Maitre D required to join Windstar Cruises

Viking Crew
20. Februar 2025
Viking Crew
Nicht angegeben

We are looking for an Experienced  Maitre D'  to join Windstar Cruises

The position will be working 4 months on 2 months off.

Salary is paid in USD whilst on board.

Candidates need to have a minimum of 3 years leadership experience in the hospitality industry, Previous Cruise ship experience and extensive knowledge of USPH and Sanitation protocols.

You must have the following to apply:-
  • Valid STCW certification,
  • Designated Security Duties
  • Valid C1D Visa
Viking Crew is the exclusive hiring partner and recruiter for Windstar Cruises

Erforderliche Berufserfahrung

Alle Bewerber müssen bereits Berufserfahrung an Bord eines Kreuzfahrtschiffs oder in einem 4/5* Hotel haben.

Erforderliche Sprachkenntnisse

Gute Englischkenntnisse werden voraussgesetzt.

CV Writing Service

Have your CV written by a professional CV Writer who specialises in writing CVs for candidates looking for cruise ship jobs.

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