Experienced Sous Chef needed for 100M+ commercial Research vessel

Viking Crew
21. Februar 2025
Viking Crew
Nicht angegeben
Viking Crew  is looking for a Sous Chef for a 100M+ research vessel.
Candidates should have previous experience onboard cruise ships or yachts and have cooked for large groups. Be able to provision for long period at sea. Be able to provide a diverse cuisine, hardy and healthy dishes, baking experience is a bonus.

Package on offer: USD salary - time for time rotation

Start date: Mid-May

Qualifications needed:Valid passport, STCW, ENG1, PDSD, Discharge book, Ships Cook Certificate

Erforderliche Berufserfahrung

Alle Bewerber müssen bereits Berufserfahrung an Bord eines Kreuzfahrtschiffs oder in einem 4/5* Hotel haben.

Erforderliche Sprachkenntnisse

Gute Englischkenntnisse werden voraussgesetzt.

CV Writing Service

Have your CV written by a professional CV Writer who specialises in writing CVs for candidates looking for cruise ship jobs.

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